Having Problems With Your Car Audio?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

One of the biggest things that you can do to show how much money you have is to have a great car stereo system. Now the only problem with this is the fact that your car audio system may cost a lot of money, but if you do not tune it right then you are just wasting your time. Tuning your car stereo is just as important as the car stereo you choose to buy. To make sure you have the best sound you are going to have to spend some time adjusting it to the right tone that you want. There are a lot of things you have to look out for, but with a little bit of help you are going to have the best car stereo on the block!

When you are trying to tune your car stereo you want to get the max amount volume without making it sound distorted. To do this you are going to have to mess with some of your settings, this is called tuning. Some people thing that you should tune your car audio system with your subs off, however, that is wrong. To make sure you are hitting the right pitch that you want with your subs, and still be able to make out the music can be hard. However, it would be impossible to do with your subs turned off. Now with your subs turned on you need to see how hard you want your subs to hit. By doing this you are going to choose how loud you want your bass to be. Remember the louder your bass is the more distorted your music could sound. Of course, most people do not care nowadays, they just want to make sure you can here them coming down the road.

After you choose how hard you want your bass to hit it’s time to adjust the other aspects of your system accordingly. First of all, you are going to need to know what speakers inside your car are the biggest. By that I mean are your front ones bigger or your back ones. The ones that are bigger are probably going to be able to take more juice so focus a little bit more power there. After that you need to make sure you get the right pitch of the speakers. These are the speakers that you are going to hear people singing out of so you want to make sure they are loud enough so you can hear them, but not to loud so that your speakers make a cracking noise. It may take you a little bit of time to understand how to adjust everything, but after you give it a little time you will figure it out.

Having a very expensive system in your car is very important, but making sure it sounds good is even more important. However, the last thing that you have to make sure of is that you do all the adjusting within the first few days of getting them. This is because if you are going to blow your speakers it is more than likely going to happen while you are adjusting them. If it’s within the first few days, they should still be under warranty. This means if by chance they are to break, you can go get new ones. This is the little tip that the stores do not want to give you. This has happened to me, when adjusting my speakers. I blew one of my subs and had to go get a new one. The good news it that is was still under warranty so it was free.

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